Development and Humanitarian Services for Afghanistan (DHSA) is non-profit, non- governmental, non-political, developmental organization.

DHSA was established in 1992 with the goal to redefine development in Afghanistan by promoting a dynamic and capable civil society as a mean to foster local ownership of development, dignity and a peaceful and sustainable future for all Afghans.

DHSA works in the sectors such as; education, public media, environmental protection, Humanitarian services and cultural heritage.

Since establishment, DHSA has successfully implemented more than 211 projects all over Afghanistan and has offices in 11 provinces across the country.

DHSA’s areas of operation include:

  • Education through non-profit schools, teacher training and demand-driven curriculum development.
  • Peace Building through advocacy, peace education, community outreach and conflict resolution.
  • Cultural Heritage through rehabilitation of historical sites, exhibitions and events.
  • Environmental Protection through public awareness, advocacy, and media campaigns.
  • Humanitarian Services through programs focused on food security, assistance to IDPs and Returnees, winterization assistance, hygiene training and basic infrastructure development.

Killid Group (TKG) is an independent, Afghan public media group made of eleven local Radios, two monthly nation-wide magazines and one quarterly cultural magazine, established in 2002.

TKG’s mission is to enhance public access to critical information, promote civic media, freedom of speech and open discourse, and raise public awareness through its extensive network of radio, print and production assets in association with local, national and international partners.

TKG operates a network of 11 radio stations in seven provinces, a strategic public communication division and a publishing house.

TKGs services include:

  • Media planning and production
  • Broadcast media through radio and soon television,
  • Magazine and book publishing
  • Strategic communication services with focus on women empowerment, health, counter violent extremism, conflict resolution and mitigation, election, governance and sports, crisis communications, community outreach and social media.
  • Investigative and development journalism
  • Research

NYE Services LLC is an Afghan-owned, Afghan-operated company, founded in 2002.

NYE is a one-stop shop, a full-service company which extends the reach of its customers’ products, services and messages to all markets of Afghanistan through: distribution, sales and niche marketing services. 

NYE is serving Afghanistan’s 34 provinces through its 9 zonal offices.

NYE is licensed and registered as a logistics company with MoCI, MoIT, NATO, ISAF, JCCS, SAM and U.S. Government agencies.

  • Supply Chain & Logistics Services: NYE provides single-source supply chain management services. NYE helps its clients to design, plan and manage innovative supply chain solutions across Afghanistan.
  • Warehousing and distribution services: NYE provides the most cost-efficient warehousing, transportation, delivery and distribution services across Afghanistan. NYE has a total storage capacity of 53,000 cubic feet with access to several hundreds of thousands more, available through our contractual partners.
  • Marketing solutions: NYE provides planning and execution of pricing, promotion, and distribution of good and services to the target markets inside and outside Afghanistan. This activity is supported by NYE Express LLC based in the UAE.

Bahir Wafi Construction and Road Company (BCRC) is a construction firm, established in 2006 and registered in Afghanistan’s Ministry of Commerce. BCRC is managed by a team of professionals having more than 15 years of experience in design, construction, management, engineering and several other operational services throughout Afghanistan. BCRC has implemented many small and big construction projects during the past 12 years across the country. BCRC has worked with donors such as, World Bank, UNHCR, EU Commission, Caritas Germany, UNOPS, MoE and NCDC.

GreenTech Dunia (GTD) is a registered project management Consulting Company (AISA license No.: D- 78011) established in 2015. We stand for environmental sustainability and innovation embedded in a global mind-set.

GTD’s team consists of experienced experts from various professional fields, who have successfully completed projects in Afghanistan, Germany, Pakistan, UAE, and Iran.

GTD maintains an expert database with up to 3,000 national and 500 international experts.

  • Integrated services throughout the entire project life cycle including pre-feasibility studies, preliminary and detailed design studies, procurement, supervision & monitoring and operation & maintenance in the energy, water, construction and agriculture sectors.
  • Research, M&E and project assessment services in the field of renewable energy, water and agriculture.
  • Demand-driven human resource development services in the fields of energy, water, agriculture and IT with a specific focus on TVET.
  • Tailored monitoring & controlling system throughout all project phases.
  • Regular in-house and external capacity building measures
  • Post-project reviews upon the completion of each project.

Fortune DUNIA is an Afghan Consulting Education Consultancy, with focus on people learning as its business model.

Fortune DUNIA is registered with AISA (AISA

Fortune DUNIA provides educational services for each educational level, field and market with specific focus on TVET education.

We are committed to determine, analyze, customize and deliver the learning and development model to the specific needs of our valued customers.

  • Education system planning, management and curriculum development
  • Education system M&E and Quality Control
  • Teacher Training
  • Information and Communication Technology and Distance Learning
  • System reform, capacity building and organizational development
  • Labor market survey, development of relevant measures and employment strategies
  • Sector, thematic needs assessment and policy advisory
  • Technical Assistance / Program Implementation & Management to TVET institutions
  • development and review of skills and occupational standards, curricula, and training programs,
  • Evaluation of TVET programs